I apologize for not having kept my blog updated since October.
Although I have crafted, though not as intensively. I even took some of my creations to a certain type of Con but only sold three.
On 13th November I moved in with a couple of friends after having been kicked out by The Harpy.
I got a job transfer to a McD closer to my new home (obviously will start searching for a better job after the holidays). I have a car to get there and occasionally give co-workers rides. Yes, I like doing good deeds. And I wouldn't be where I'm living now if it weren't for others' good deed.
I lost a friend and am the better for it as I find out more and more what type of person she really is.
I have a couple of Mentors helping me in the Lifestyle.
I have good people looking out for me.
I'm still unsure where my Life is heading. I try to make the most of the positives and live through the negatives with hopes of a better Future.
And am naive enough to wish for True Love (no more cheap imitations for me!) starting 2011 but am wise enough to not actively search for it- I have too much on my plate as is trying to work on myself to go out Hunting. Besides, They say Love comes when you least expect it, right?
I want to experience and explore as much as possible while trying to sort through my Life and keeping the promises I made myself when I moved to Georgia. So far I've kept two out of three main ones, one of which thanks to my parents.
I am hopeful..!