Ginger is wearing a dress I made using a pattern found at www.puchicollective.com
She's holding a felt bag made by me.
Long time no see!
As mentioned previously, I was busy making Easter/Spring treats for my fiance's family while working on homework and battling against a bad flu accompanied by stomach virus.
Not one of my best months but at least I managed to survive it in spite of some personal issues.
Two changes I want to mention are:
1) my Etsy Shop is no more- I decided to close it for lack of sells. I realized there are way too many crafters attempting to sell their merchandise and rather than try to compete with them I'll just proceed at my own pace. If you're interested in something, please feel free to contact me;
2) you will not be reading or seeing anything to do with RainbowProject anymore- we've had a bad falling out due to her lack of consistency. My being physically sick + fed up with her prevented me from continuing to be patiently diplomatic.
To be honest, I get lonely when I'm home alone and am on the pc most of the time (crafting or homework) but I'm tired of these crazies... 3 out of 3... I'm giving up on finding someone sane to relate to online.
Why is it so hard to find "sanity" online?
At least I was lucky to find my fiance' thanks to the Internet...
Hello, my name is anna ... (I do not speak English, forgive the English translator of google) I write from Italy and are fascinated by the creativity of all the people running the network ... you are among these people .... I thank you for all the ideas I've seen your blog ... add your blog in my favorites and if you wish venie to visit and see my blog ... I will great pleasure ... www.riciclandoditutto.blogspot.com ... a hug from italy