As you can see I've been VERY busy with The Toy Society project I've recently joined.
I made these 10 bunnies to leave in as many places next time my Beloved is off work this week.
I hope each will warm someone's heart or give them a smile!
I've also cut felt for 10 more bunnies and plan to ask a friend working at Social Services to give them out to her "best customers" as part of The Toy Society idea.
Do you think they will sell?

In order to avoid burning myself out on bunnies, I decided to take a small break from them.
Now that we finally have a printer I've printed out many different patterns I found online.
I can't wait to start using them!
I also plan to make a frog plush for my Beloved's adopted mother using the fabric she gave me.
I hope she likes it!
I still need to make a cute dress for my fabric doll and work on my BJD dolls.
Today I sent layway payment for a beige Ringo Pipos I hope to adopt by the end of February.
I've been drooling after a kitty Pipos for nearly 2 years!
I bet he's even cuter in person!
As you know I've recently started College and though the classes are online the amount of work is almost over-whelming.
So far I'm holding up and trying to keep ahead so I can continue my crafting without scrambling to catch up with school work.
Ah! Adorable bunnies in great colors :)
ReplyDeleteSono felicissima per il tuo Pipos, finalmente!!!
ReplyDeleteTe lo ripeto, l'idea della Toy society è davvero favolosa!
E poi davvero complimenti sono bellissimi!
E anche la foto è adorabile, messi in fila cosi fanno un figuroneeeee!!!!
ciao!!ma quanto sono carini questi coniglietti tutti colorati! Sei davvero tanto brava!! ciao laura
ReplyDeleteoh my gosh! I love that you made so many bunnies for the toy society. That's super awesome! Since I live in a small town, my next thing is to make things to send to toy society volunteers who will leave the toy somewhere other than where I live for me.
ReplyDeleteCiao! Questa mattina ho ricevuto il PINGUINO!!! che dire...wow...ma come sei brava! come fai a cucire così bene??? io sono una frana!!! lo metto nella scatola del natale e il prossimo anno farà parte dei miei addobbi!!! grazie grazie grazie e non smettere di creare cose così belle! ciao Laura
ReplyDeleteurbancraft: it's thanks to your blog that I found out about TTS!
ReplyDeleteAnd I was thinking the same thing, have a handful of friends (who live in other towns) leave some of them in different places.
It's such a great heart warming project!
MaestraLaura: Fortuna che t'e arrivato, cominciavo a preoccuparmi! Mi da tanta soddisfazione sapere che ti sia piaciuto il Pinguino! Grazie di seguire il mio blog ;)
I can't wait to start using them!
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