This African American baby was handmade in felt with cloth & yarn details by me using a modified version of pattern found in Baby London Star's blog.
Note: socks purchased at Wal-mart
I had to craft this plush for my host's coworker's baby shower.
Nothing much to report. Filled out more application forms, visited a few employment agencies, received the "Work Ready" certificate (paper version). I'm hoping all my efforts pay off soon, especially considering I'm having a very hard time in GA with my hosts, specifically the female one who Friday went on a half hour rant listing imagined faults she attributes to me, including me being the cause of the tension in the house when I'm only reacting to her vibes (I'm a tad empathic).
It's pretty obvious in spite of the other subjects brought up during The Rant the real reason behind it and her attitude toward me is, she feels threatened by me but is not honest enough to admit it. I've never given her any real substantial reason to feel this animosity toward me.
It's clear she's made me her new target (her husband must be so relieved) and will blame me for just about anything. I've never in my life been accused of so many wrongdoings, not even as a child. My own parents never complained so much about me and I lived with them for 30yrs. I've been in GA barely a month and The Harpy has a whole laundry-list of fictional faults she attributes to me.
I honestly don't know what to do. I'm so upset and worried about the situation I was feeling physically ill this evening and had to take an aspirin.
And I can't help blaming The Ex; if I hadn't met him and moved in with him to NC who knows where I'd be and with whom right now.
I honestly don't know what to do. I'm so upset and worried about the situation I was feeling physically ill this evening and had to take an aspirin.
And I can't help blaming The Ex; if I hadn't met him and moved in with him to NC who knows where I'd be and with whom right now.
Until this Rant I was actually in a better place, realized recently that I've slowly started feeling better even if my Life is still on hold and I don't have a job yet. I felt somewhat more optimistic. I think The Ex is finally behind me (it's been 4 months after all, 1 of which in GA).
Now I honestly don't know how to react or what to do with the hosts. I'm in such an awkward disadvantaged position. It feels like I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't whatever I choose.
Please, if anyone has advice or suggestions send them my way...
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